>> what was that person's intent? but shingrix protects. PATRICK BYRNE, FORMER OVERSTOCK CEO: I`ve been talking to the FBI. nah, i'm working on my six pack. FLANNERY: Well, we talk about spoilation already. watch this trial and watch those, that follow. VANCE: So he, having no privilege against testifying to assert, has got to show up. MELBER: That there just to be clear was, as I was mentioning, the Ohio Republican attorney general, suggesting there not a whisper of a report. They were briefing about this with the January 6th Committee behind closed doors. now, let me level with you. so start . there the two of themda made re efforts to obstruct, waging a secret campaign to use the law to overturn the court. Meanwhile, liberals have passed some major reform bills this year. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Well, here is and here`s what he said going into the testimony. zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. MELBER: It seems when you take it all together, that there has been overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump`s plot went much further than the horror of the 6th. smith also about why some are in denial. But once in house, we start acting like me in the house and everybody not in the house, a lot of us are in the fields. is this the fallout from all of those votes we witnessed? He still at that point according to this testimony wanted to join them himself. >> absolutely. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. did you raise concerns during the campaign season? A basic uninformed investigator would think this is important stuff to have and we don`t know what value it has, so why would we destroy it? later on appeal, the supreme court overturned it. But in terms of whether it was right or wrong, it was wrong. REP. ZOE LOFGREN (D-CA): Sure. We won`t show you more of it. they go the trial in special cases, and they win. you spend time probing members of congress across both parties. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. We`re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we`re going to fight this to the end. we all have heroes in our lives. thank you. We`ve seen time and again, the people who put up the walls may have not only helped the country but they also inadvertently helped Donald Trump or at least stretched out and complicated the case because had he actually gone down to the Pentagon, we have all the evidence that they would have said no, but boy, would he be an even hotter soup so to speak. MELBER: As Washington debates legislation, obstruction, and investigations, many Americans continue to face rising prices on everything from groceries to rent. Original release. MIKE: They declared a war on drugs, like a war on terror. Voters of course may recall Mike`s endorsement and campaigning for Bernie Sanders, or music fans may know him as the Grammy-winning leader of the duo Run The Jewels. if you believe children deserve a better tomorrow, start here. it's pretty much that even keel the whole time. i want to turn to something important next on justice in america. learn how abbvie can help you save. January 6th Committee member on the upcoming primetime hearing next week. And as we watch the evidence here, the public can try to make sense of it. he's a very down to earth, gregarious guy. it was a visible failure. >> there's no doubt that this is already a tragedy. your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. he led difficult and victorious cases, including the prosecution of new york police officer justin volpe who tortured abouter in, delivered a 0-year sentence, unheard of at the time. those are people out of government. He has since deleted that tweet, we should note, but here he was dodging. Now, I think that in my particular -- in my community in particular, there are certain things that we could do, that we could press for, I think we could press for a black agenda. Take a look. smith's not only aggressive in court. I also want people to run for statewide elections that may not have or didn`t think they had the courage and the money to because we`ll get behind you and support you. and then i think the edwards case and mcdonald are -- it's so hard to generalize from those, matters, and what i mean by that, mcdonald is a case, where when it got to the supreme court, the supreme court changed the law. The show was launched on July 24, 2017, and was recently nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. MELBER: Appreciate it. He would not instruct the mob to leave or condemn the violence. and for a limited time, when you make a $10 monthly donation, you'll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need. VANCE: Well, that no comment was a longtime coming there. Killer Mike has a new song out and he`s talking about how to locally organize what he says the next generation is doing already. Welcome back. LISTEN. >> after the election in november, solomon pena reached out and contracted someone for an amount of cash money to commit at least two of these shootings. But this would seem to have both, and tonight there`s a new police officer corroborating it. shingles doesn't care. birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. michael, welcome. nichols was hospitalized and put. Of course, Steve Bannon goes to trial on Monday. And as it happens because they don`t control the scheduling, the final hearing will coincide with the first criminal trial of someone facing jail because of their dealings with the committee. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. Happy to do it. and as i said in september/october, the country, if they vote for this, this is what you're going to get, so -- >> well, michael, as you know -- on the hill to some, bs stands for bull santos. political ratcheting up of these citizens who think they can go out and solve their failed failure by taking out someone's. not so smart. >> i appreciate aamidst a serios story, michael helped me crack a brief smile. an increased risk of guillain-barr syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. Has there been any accommodation reached for his testimony or documents? now cell phone users have priority over us. chase. LOFGREN: Well, let me just say this. That means to end any possibility of having a credible account of the outcome of the elections. The other big news here has been about the Secret Service. We will I`m sure have a discussion when we`re a little bit farther along in the evidence collection on, you know, whether or not to send a letter to the Department of Justice with our conclusions, but certainly, the attorney general has says he`s watching all of this. to help others, who can't always help themselves. jurors explaining that smith's prosecution team, when they looked at all the facts and the way they waged the case, they just did not have the goods. And then we find that an officer, a D.C. officer corroborates what she has to say and apparently it was wildly enough known that he would know it and she would have heard it and others would have heard it, and the fact the president wanted to go to the Capitol and it was known within the White House, and that he might very well out of anger, and this time he wouldn`t be throwing food, he`d be reaching for the driver of the car. said that they deleted these texts on from the 5th and the 6th after he asked for them. Steady drops over the last month. good to see you, sir. the answer is yes. Meanwhile, a top --. NAVARRO: The report I did, the three volume Navarro report on PeterNavarro,com, by the way, voting machines were like a footnote to a footnote. MELBER: The January 6th Committee has proven to be one of the more effective, constrained, sober, and bipartisan committee investigations in the modern era which has put a lot of pressure on Donald Trump. start a new day with trelegy. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. ARI MELBER, MSNBC HOST: Happy Friday, Nicolle. he work as a federal prosecutor with jack smith, including trying the officer in the abnor case. Search the history of over 778 billion code on your screen? >> nice to be here. concerns about him, but i'm going to treat him as if everything is norm and good. That is evidence disappearing. he gets two committees and he'll run around, pretend to be a congressman, and that alleviates any responsibility i may have to deal with him, and that's where he is. Then Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of the January 6th Committee is my special guest tonight. while everyone understands, certainly a lawyer like him, that there ought to be a wide berth for speech, free speech cannot be something war lords or coup plotters hide behind when that speech becomes a instrument or a direct action related to coups or crimes. Uploaded by >> or a legislator's daughter, yeah. And remember, it can be hard to figure out who to take seriously or not, but Donald Trump wrote the January 6th announcement tweet by beginning with a reference to Peter Navarro`s report. This is the question that the legislators in the respective states will answer --. you're not supposed to play it, safe all the time sometimes there's a righteous case that you lose. What I`d like to see is money that we put into bulletproof vests and guns, going to the Police Athletic League, and to start a foster relationship between the police and the community. 01:00 am. we went through a lot of it, so the floor is your on what you know of him, both from that era and how he may have grown or gained experience during what has been quite a long career. your thoughts. There was a statement made by the Secret Service last night, saying that although there was some text lost, that none of the text had been asked for from the 5th and 6th had been lost. there are peers who say he used. What are you saying in both in the music and your advocacy? As people fight and march and try to confront what we`re dealing with at a legal level and a human rights level and a women rights level. MELBER: You know, Mike, we`ve talked before -- they talk in sports about fair weather fans and politics, they talk about the bandwagon. For multiple hours, Donald Trump refused to intervene to stop it. We`ve got an update on all of that tonight. no justification for the conditions under which they were held or the manner under which they were brutalized and torture in the their detainment. So, shout out to Greenwood for that. you. yeah! after a federal grand jury charged him with six. But I also want to update you on the other big news tonight. i got us t-mobile home internet. Should they be forced to carry out this child? one of those officials joins me in a few moments. for just $25 a line. So far as I`m aware, as of this moment, we haven`t received any of those documents. Stay with us. so let us focus on the how. you have to keep in mind -- this kind of loss in court is rare.
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