OP How do you not see that these people are psychopaths?! They waited until he went on a trip with them to steal his inhaler. This account is currently shadowbanned or suspended, suggesting this account is in violation of Reddit terms of service. He's the "type of man" you decided to marry and that's all they need to fucking know. Would you want to put your child and your mental wellbeing through that? Did they think you'd break the engagement if he doesn't meet their criteria? The dad is a master manipulator, and the siblings likely haven't realized they're being abused yet. He could press charges for that. Your family already drove that wedge, not Timmy. NTA but why would you let it escalate to this point? Assholes do this. Things only got crazier when my dad and his wife eloped behind everyones backs and i found out about it on Facebook and then for years now has told me that its my fault they didnt have a wedding. Whats up with their strange view on masculinity? Do you live in some backwoods place? I went to a wedding where the lady getting married had her birth mom, first stepmom, and second stepmom. Thats what theyre doing to her fianc. All of them can go fuck themselves. From the get go they assumed that Tim is "less of a manly man than them" so all those "tests and pranks" are just there to humiliate him and stroke their own over inflated ego. Their toxic masculinity is gross too. Cousin asked if "little timmy ran to me to tattle". If he can't respect you/your boundaries he can see himself out. NTA - I cant believe these guys play chess. Stick with your opinion you are not exaggerating. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. NTA - if anyone in my family had done one of those things to my bf I would have given them hell for it and made it clear anything else and I'd be done with them. Yeah, shes a damn hero /s. The moment they started with their shit you should have put a stop to it. The family is lucky they haven't called for a restraining order. Die on this hill. They clearly dont respect you or your ability to choose a partner either. Again, keep in mind him and I have never once hung out one on one just strictly in social settings. Yes. Slashing his tires? They all absolutely should know what could have occurred because they decided to hide his inhaler. He has had some health complications straight after and I feel like they blame me for this as well. Honestly we should make a sister sub for AITA. Unless there are dramatic and unlikely changes, Tim is signing up for a lifetime of misery. Thats a crime and in some cases fatal. Pranks dont have the potential to cost people their lives. I say they elope because id bet money they try to come no matter what and ruin her wedding, Lol alright, they can man up and get their ass beat by security who has been instructed to keep out the trash. 283 AITA for uninviting my GF to a family dinner because she wouldn't dress modestly? She's not an asshole for being related to shitty people. However, when Wife is changing the diapers Husband will often enter the room and insist she smile whilst doing so as it may affect the child emotional state. NTA. This should have been stopped way before it got that far. All of them can go fuck themselves. OP, it sounds like the men in your family are jerks and hoping your future husband wont disrupt their dysfunction. And if someone almost killed my husband over a ill-planned prank they definitely wouldn't be invited into our lives anymore either. What awful people. Managing your family is your job, and you were somehow ok with the constant insults, belittling questions, slashing of tires, etc. NTA go no contact over those AH. The fun is just bullying and your dad, uncle, and cousins are toxic as fuck. Some people live paycheck to paycheck and this could break them. NTA and you made the right decision sticking up for your fianc as he is obviously madly in love with you to put up with your families bullshit. I almost never respond to posts, but I went through almost this exact situation with my father and sympathize with you heavily. You're actually still nice in my opinion and your family members are AHs, including your mum to be honest! NTA and it sounds like youre not gonna miss much with their absence at your wedding! Maybe don't also make fun of his name and add to the problem? NTA a prank is a Whoopie Cushion not slashing tires. But not cool at all this went too far. Bygones my ass! However your an AH for letting it go on this long. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why OP would let them take him camping. That's not a prank, that's vandalism and expensive, and something you do to someone you hate. Or not even cut them off, just make sure I am not in the position where they could do that to me again e.g. NTA. Tim has your approval. i cant imagine she stayed silent after the tire slashing incident, but these guys dont seem like the type of men to give up their antics so easily. ESH leaning to YTA for not doing shit when they were "testing" him. NTA. Your fiance is a saint and by everything sacred in the world must he love you alot to stick with you! The reality is that your fianc and how he feels is more important to you and none of the relatives care about either of the two of you. NTA If yes, i can understand where it came from, but sad for them, they have to move on and be smarter than their predecessors. Not a prank. NTA but that will change in a hurry if you ever expose your fianc to any of these people again. Interesting how these "pranks" appear to involve illegal activity. NTA. You should have charged them for that and shutting this shit before the incident. Damn. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. NTA. Get out or get on board. An inhaler is used for a life saving breathing issue. You should have stopped this at the very least when they slashed his tires, but even before then, the idea that they need to test his manliness is infantilizing, misogynistic, and toxic as hell. The man could have died or faced serious injury without that inhaler. But Im gonna take it a step further and say you need to talk to Tim and really make sure that hes ok after all this. . Hey Timmy Jr! violence isnt just physical aggression against an individual.) I hope that they see the error of their ways and apologized to Tim but until then, I guess you might have to go no contact. Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Those scars leave a mark. He was probably trying really hard to put up with this behavior because he loves her so much. He should get to decide. Tim has to proof himself to nobody except maybe you and since you choose him I assume he's proven himself. These aren't "pranks" and what sort of fucking adult even "pranks" people anyway. Your fiance is not an opportunity for your uncle and brothers to demonstrate their masculinity. I will say though - you NEED to go to bat for him more. You need to go NC. Try to prank their father out of them? They never thought lesser of me for being a woman, or my best friend for being gay. Men don't do this. This doesn't mean men aren't ignored & gaslit by doctors because they are. They slashes his tires and you did what? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If they asked where he was, he was with his own family, but I was going to see them later. You wouldn't be much of a partner if you didn't put your foot down. NTA that's not pranks, that's bullying. NTA. OP is young and probably still having to learn to navigate this issue. You're family doesn't know the definition of "prank". Do they not know how many people die from asthma attacks? Your username is literally what you should be doing. "I also don't want my sister moaning about being surrounded by kids, as they probably make up about 1/3 of the guest list. AmItheAsshole Original. NTA. I (19f) lost my dad (was 29 at the time) when I was 8 years old. I am a woman who grew up in a very masculine family. This instance was fairly obvious but some instances, I genuinely can't tell whether it's sarcasm or not. OP mentioned demanding they stop. If I were Tim I'd be questioning the marriage with a hostile family like that. They've done stuff like forcing him to play chess 4 times in a raw, secretly slashed his tires to see if he'd fix it himself like a man or get help like those "lazy" guys, They'd asked him questions like what joke he'd like to tell his future MIL, his opinions on abortion, jesus, gender equality etc. Now I'm not saying violence is the answer, but I wonder how they'd react if Tim resorted to violence. madera county sheriff log 2022 cigna stock price history; hornby r3207. You are NTA for sticking up for your fiance, but you will be if you let them into your wedding and don't go low/no contact. I feel bad for her but worse for Timmy. Who are they to judge masculinity? NTA. Be a man!!!. Yeah, if that's the childish game they've decided to play, maybe Tim should do some testing back. Your mum is TA as well for essentially supporting their behaviour. NTA. 8.6K views, 64 likes, 0 loves, 68 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Reddit Addiction: AITA for uninviting my stepdad from my wedding so my. NTA-a set of tires can cost $1000 to replace. So very, very not normal. Who is kind and helps others? Yet they all have immense respect for women and they dont think being able to breathe without an inhaler makes you manly. Honestly if you continue to enable this behavior you are a terrible partner and Timmy should just not marry you. When I was little we were best friends. NTA. Am I crazy or is OPs bf a saint for putting up with this for so long? Please tell your husband that intractable pain of any kind needs to be seen. NTA you are prioritising yourself and your mental health and thats the right thing to do. He shouldn't have to be subjected to them for the rest of his life. Also, ask them in case of your fiancs asthma getting worse medically if he would have been rushed to hospital which one of them would be manly enough to cover all the bills and charges. These jokes kept escalating. Cut these toxic shits out of your life before they kill someone. Holy fuck, your family is composed of toxic idiots. He could have died while they played the prank hiding his inhaler. If I were Tim, I'd have been long gone when she didn't put a stop to it after the first round of "tests.". For the people telling OP that shes TA for not cutting off sooner, please understand that for most people that grow up in this type of environment we become slightly apathetic to it and make excuses cause we think its NORMAL. They will absolutely do this and worse to your kids, to make sure they turn out "tough, not like their father". AITA for uninviting my cousin, brother, uncle and dad to my wedding over a prank? YTA if you keep allowing this behavior against your guy. This is not pranking, its cruel bullying and taking away your fiancs inhaler could have had deadly consequences. My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. Honestly that was pretty rude of her but unless her actions were specifically malicious I don't think she is the asshole NAH NTA. This has got to be in the rural midwestfucking stupid redneck or white trash shit. I don't think I am the asshole because I suffered years of his abuse and don't feel I deserve to be spoken to like that. They literally could have killed him. Too much. They bullied him and did illegal things. not that I fault OP when their family is coming down hard trying to convince OP its just a prank bro. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They don't deserve To go. Everyone thinks asthma is no serious thing. Destroying property too? Your family went in the bullying / torture zone with their pranks. Exactly. INFO: did any of these prankster men go to college? Also think of the future. He's an American actually fortunate enough to have access to healthcare and is bragging that he doesn't get it, despite obviously needing it? That's when I stopped searching. NTA at all. NTA its bullshit toxic masculinity, men do not test each other like this unless they have frail egos themselves. Who carrys 4 plug kits? He would be better off using the money to wipe his ass than spend it on her, Lol she let him pay the wedding and then invites him lol I hope stepdad cuts her out too, How directly the fare there so many NTA and ESH?`, Let me guess, most have some variation of "It's YOUR wedding!!!!".
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